Monday, March 27, 2006

Where's Rodney King when we need him in FBC?

Why can’t FBC GOP’ers just get along? Why does there have to be so much animosity and acrimony – particularly in the race for FBC GOP Chairman?

I have to, unfortunately, plead ignorance as I have only been on the fringes of FBC politics since joining the fray, but what’s the deal? Particularly with regard to Mr. Gillen and his (seemingly) significant disdain for Mrs. Howell. (You thought of “Lovey” from Gilligan’s island just now, didn’t you? You didn’t? Hmm… well, I did.)

Why can’t he just take his ill-gotten promotion of his endorsement from Eric Thode, his smoke-filled-back-room endorsement from the man with the cowardice of his convictions, Mayor Wallace, and just play nice on his road to victory in the runoff? Is it really necessary to tear down Mrs. Howell in campaign speeches just to build himself up?

Here are a few ideas Mr. Gillen will never read, but would ignore even if he did:
1. Go on record thanking Mr. Thode for his endorsement, but gently disagree with the manner in which it was advertised.
2. Have a phone conversation with Mayor Wallace and (quietly, nicely, and privately) ask him to either publicly come forward with his endorsement or just shut up about it and stop the back-channel endorsement effort. It’s not really much of an endorsement if one isn’t willing to go public with it, is it?
3. Apologize to Linda Howell for the pathetic and feeble attacks, and go back on the campaign trail saying nice things about your opponent and her years of service to the party – but add why you think your service, experience and vision would be more beneficial to the future of the FBC GOP.

But I will guess he won’t do these things. Civility has long since been abandoned in politics by partisans on both sides of the aisle, regardless of the nature of the opponent. And, admittedly, I’m regrettably one of the perpetrators from time to time.

Technical foul, Mr. Gillen.


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