Tuesday, March 28, 2006

"And you wanna be my latex salesman?!?"

The 21st century continues to be in the throes of an information revolution that has changed the nature of American life: How we watch TV, where we get our news, holding politicians accountable, etc.

Gary Gillen wants to lead the FBC GOP during this technological explosion.... but apparently his campaign is still stuck with nuttin' but a pencil and a "Big Chief" tablet. As one of my favorite local misanthropic curmudgeons reports, Gary Gillen is filing his Texas Ethics Commission reports on paper.

She notes that this is perfectly acceptable under the law. As she points out, the law states in pertinent part:

Under the new law, a filer may claim an exemption from electronic filing only if the filer does not use a computer to keep current records of contributions, expenditures, or donors AND if the filer does not exceed $20,000 in political contributions or expenditures in a calendar year.

Hmm... so Gary Gillen is tracking all this information by hand? No "early adopter", this Gillen fellow. And just to make sure he's not just trying to get out of filing electronically, he further has to:

"...swear or affirm that I do not use computer equipment to keep current records of political contributions, political expenditures, or persons making political contributions to me.

I further swear or affirm that no person acting as my agent or consultant, and no person with whom I contract, uses computer equipment to keep current records of political contributions, political expenditures, or persons making political contributions to me. "

Nice bunt!


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