Friday, May 12, 2006

Only in America?

The way some people talk, you'd think America was the moral nadir of the world community - where sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll (which should really be replaced with the cacophonous noise known as rap/hip-hop) is not just for celebrities anymore, but a contemporary way of life for our youth.

Well, seems our trip across the pond didn't give us the exclusive on moral depravity... (choosing not to wade into the waters of American Puritanism, etc.) ... let me introduce you to Exhibit "A":

Girl, 11, will be Britain's youngest mother

When I first began to read this, one of the first thoughts that ran through my head was (once it became clear that the baby was not a product of forced rape and that the girl "consented" to intercourse) -- "Oh, her mother must be so proud!" (with dripping sarcasm, of course)

Turns out... she is:
"Her 34-year-old mother, who gave birth to her youngest child eight months ago, said she was 'proud' of her daughter." (snip) "Her mum said: "I'm not ashamed of my daughter at all - in fact, I'm proud of her for keeping the baby."

The other details contained within the article are quite telling:

+ She began smoking at 9 and has continued to smoke throughout her pregnancy - as much as a pack a day! But don't worry, it's OK, because...
"She claimed her cigarette habit was not harming the health of her unborn child. She said: "I can give up smoking at any time, but I don't find it affects my pregnancy.""

+ She started drinking wine & vodka at age 10

+ She conceived at age 11 after having unprotected sex with a 15 year-old boy "on a drunken night out with friends"

You might ask yourself: "Well, she's certainly screwed up and her mother doesn't seem to care. What does her father have to say about all this?!?" It should be no surprise at all:
"The girl, whose parents split up several years ago..." (emphasis mine)

(Let this serve as example #3,259,417 of how divorce negatively affects children...)

But, despite this child's morally-challenged lifestyle, she at least plans to keep the baby.
"The social worker suggested I got rid of it but I'd never do that."

Where there is life, there is hope.


Blogger Pastor Al said...

Hokey Smokes Batman! Crazy!

12:25 PM  

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