Monday, June 26, 2006

Now this is a 5-4 I can support!

With the changes in the members of the US Supreme Court, it's nice to see that Roberts and Alito have helped keep the Court on the "right" side of most issues -- particularly this most recent ruling by the Court released today:

New justice breaks tie to uphold Kansas death penalty law

Rather than get into the minutia of the decision -- like most Supreme Court cases, the technical issues at hand are a lot more complicated than the way reporters make them out to be -- it's at least comforting to know that this guy will still have a death sentence hanging over him:
"Marsh was convicted in the June 1996 killings of Marry Pusch and her 19-month-old daughter, M.P. Marsh confessed that he had been waiting in Pusch's house when she and her child came home. Pusch was shot, stabbed and her throat was slit. Her body was set on fire. M.P. died several days later from severe burns."

How his lawyer can look at himself in the mirror after trying to get such a barbaric and merciless killer off death row on an alleged technicality is beyond my understanding.

And if Kansas has trouble finding time to get Mr. Marsh on the docket for an execution, just send him to Texas. We'll take care of him.

Oh, and yes, I am just a little nervous about this Court when we have to count on Justice Kennedy for vote #5...


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