Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Patrick Kennedy says, "OUI"!


As in O-U-I -- "Operating Under the Influence"

As I previously blogged about here: ("I'm not as think as you drunk I am..."), U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy (D - R.I.), 38, wrecked his car into a barricade near Capitol Hill at 2:45 one morning. His explanations varied as to the what/why/how of the accident, but there was no doubt it shined a bright light on his substance abuse.

Now it is reported that he is heading to court today to plead guilty to one charge in order to avoid prosecution for additional charges...
"Kennedy is slated to appear in court this afternoon where he is expected to plead guilty to the charge of operating under the influence. Charges of reckless driving and failure to exhibit a drivers permit will be dismissed as part of the deal, which was worked out behind closed doors."

Kennedy was not reported to have said, "Please help us! Please help stop our family before we drive again!" At least we have one Kennedy who is willing to take at least some blame for his vehicular misadventures.

As usual, Mary Jo Kopechne could not be reached for comment.


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