Tuesday, May 23, 2006

"Look for... the Union label..."

Remember those commercials back in the day? Yeah, that was back when unions comprised a much greater percentage of the workforce and people took great pride in union membership.

Well, there are a few union workers who have turned their membership into a welfare program.

Sound kooky? Check this out: Killing the jobs bank is needed for survival

Here's an interesting snippet:
Anyone with a lick of economic common sense knows that paying people not to work is bad for business. So-called jobs banks at the Big Three and their suppliers with United Auto Workers contracts cost hundreds of millions of dollars a year to maintain with zero return for the companies.


It is estimated that companies spend between $100,000 and $130,000 a year for wages and benefits on each employee who sits idly in various company jobs banks. U.S. auto companies will spend up to $2 billion this year on jobs bank employees, many of whom have been reporting to the job to read, watch movies and do crossword puzzles for years.

And we wonder why American auto companies are taking it on the chin these days... Man, where do I sign up for that gig?!?


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