Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Colleyville, Texas: We Trust in God (but not if it hurts your feelings)

It seems the lunatics have taken over the asylum at one local elementary school in Colleyville, Texas.

The school in question: Liberty Elementary in Keller ISD (near Fort Worth).

As the Houston Chronicle reports: Colleyville parents offended 'God' striken from yearbook cover

COLLEYVILLE — A yearbook cover that omits the words "In God We Trust" from a picture of an enlarged nickel has angered some parents.

Liberty Elementary, a new school in suburban Fort Worth, chose the coin because the nickel's new design prominently features the school's name in cursive.

The coin also has "In God We Trust" along the right edge, but the phrase was removed from the yearbook. Instead, the $16 book came with a sticker that gave students the choice of putting the phrase back on the nickel.

Some parents say the school's decision was political correctness gone too far.

"I think it's really ridiculous," said Debi Ackerman, who has a 10-year-old daughter at the school. "Now it has come to this. ... When is it going to end?"

Keller ISD spokesman Jason Meyer said a parent's group at the school approved the decision before the book was published. Liberty Principal Janet Travis wanted to avoid offending students of different religions, Meyer said.

"It's not always easy to make everybody happy when we are making decisions," Meyer said.

Now, the racial makeup of Colleyville is approximately 93% white. The 2005 median household income in Colleyville was $124,675. Why is this relevant? It's relevant because it means that Colleyville (where over 20% of the families earn $200K or more annually) is a town filled with rich, white kids.

Translation: Not a lot of "non-monotheists" around to get offended, methinks.

I know it's "not always easy to make everybody happy when we are making decisions." But, rather than offend the (oh, let's be charitable here) approximately 10% of people who would take grave offense to finding the words "In God We Trust" on their child's yearbook, these mental giants disguised as educators (and the equally astute parents who 'approved' this buffoonery) instead chose to offend the remaining 90%.

Even if you wouldn't agree that the other 90% would be offended, I'm guessing that a lot more are offended by the omission of the phrase than would have been by its inclusion.

Once again we witness the tyranny of the minority and the capitulation of common sense. Ugh!

Oh, but I imagine it was OK to pay for the yearbook in cash, despite the "offensive" phrase on the currency, right?


Blogger Paul Lytle said...

Hey, I have a solution to this problem. The way it is now, some people will be offended if "God" is there, and some will be offended if "God" is not there. No win, right?


The answer is simply -- JUST STOP BEING OFFENDED!

Goodness, I'm not offended at everything I see just because I disagree. If I can do it, so can others!

Good blog, by the way. This was my first visit, but I will be back.

5:23 PM  

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