Friday, May 12, 2006

...and don't let the door hit you...

It seems Congressman Disgrace -- um, I mean Congressman DeLay -- has finally set a date. Sort of.

DeLay to bow out on June 9

Well, all I can say is goodbye and good riddance. He lost his moral and conservative bearings years ago. The fact that his unconventional departure from public office creates a wake of political flotsam is only salt added to the wound (as opposed to icing on the cake).

The CD-22 GOP is in disarray, the Dem challenger is rightfully decrying the propriety of the whole matter, and now we're faced with the prospect of a potential spoiler candidate who is just chomping at the bit to regain his faded spotlight.

What is it with Fort Bend Republican officials and their ungraceful exits lately? (*sigh*)


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