Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Catfight! (H.C. vs. A.C.)

Me-OW!  Granted, Ann Coulter didn’t exactly “win friends and influence people” with her insensitive and ill-advised attack on some liberal 9/11 widows – writing in her latest book, “I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much.”  So she should have expected these remarks from resident NY alpha-female Hillary Clinton who lashed out at Ann Coulter for her "vicious, mean-spirited attack".

And then came the smackdown from Ann (via Drudge):

“Before criticizing others for being ‘mean’ to women, perhaps Hillary should talk to her husband who was accused of rape by Juanita Broaddrick and was groping Kathleen Willey at the very moment Willey’s husband was committing suicide.”


(I would add his illegal release of classified information on Linda Tripp, his use and abuse of Monica Lewinsky in the Oral – er, Oval – Office, that flight attendant, oh – and then there’s THIS excellent summary.)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have not read the book yet, but I will, because I hope the comment about "wives enjoying the deaths of their husbands" is taken out of context. If not, as much as I usually agree with Ann Coulter, I think that is vicious. Having lost the person who I built and revolved a life around and having to tell our children about their Dad never coming home, and having to endure 10 years of a completely different life than I had planned or ever wanted, no amount of irrational or excessive behavior is out of the range of expected. Just look at Cindy Sheehan. I don't have to agree with someone to be able to understand and sympathize. And I don't have to be cruel to disagree with someone. Yes, I know how easy it is to play the "grief stricken" card to further your argument (I'm trying to use it to get a job right now). But, these women's pain is real and the "grief stricken" card can be trumped without being trampled. I don't think Ann Coulter does her (our) side any service by these barbaric tactics (if, after I read the book, these comments were NOT taken out of context - but I can't imagine a suitable context). And, I don't see any connection between Ann Coulter's insensitivity and Bill Clinton's philandering. Furthermore, much as I hate to defend Hillary Clinton, as near as I can tell, Bill Clinton (and his actions and antics) have absolutely nothing to do with Hillary Clinton. Geez, just because they have the same last name..... are they even related?

7:54 AM  

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