Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Reagan's Right Again

(Yeah, I've been gone for a while... sorry, but I've been swamped with work. So for the few of you who actually read my musings from time to time, I apologize...)

One of the dictum's that Ronald Reagan is known for is "Trust, but Verify". Now, that was written in the height of the Cold War when Reagan suggested that we trust the USSR, but still insist that we verify that they live up to their agreements.

Now along comes Glenn Reynolds on the heels of the latest controversy in the lame-stream media: Don't Trust If They Won't Verify. Hmm... a dictum once used for the USSR is now applied to the MSM. Hmmm.....

He begins:
Once again, fake news is in the news, as it turns out that many moving stories of carnage in Lebanon were not only moving, but, well, fake. This raises major questions about the future of the news business, and offers a significant threat to free expression.

He then proceeds to slap the MSM around a bit:
We've seen this kind of fakery before, of course, and not just where Israel is concerned. The Boston Globe ran fake rape photos purporting to show U.S. troops raping Iraqi women. The photos turned out to come from a Hungarian porn site. Nor does the fakery stop with photos. Rutten's own L.A. Times ran a nasty piece about Paul Bremer's departure from Iraq, saying that he didn't even give a farewell speech and suggesting that he was afraid to look Iraqis in the eye. In fact, Bremer had given a speech that was nationally televised in Iraq. As columnist John Leo observed in response to this bit of bogosity: "What's new about the press is that so many
people who follow it with a critical eye now have an outlet to howl about inaccuracy and partisanship. The big media used to be able to shrug off critics like this. Now they can't."
He then concludes thusly, in a statement that I just might be convinced to agree with:

"It's not too late for the press to save itself yet. But it's getting close."

But when you see much a masterfully crafted and excellently timed summation of the more high profile propaganda lies recently surrounding the conflict in Lebanon, it's hard to swallow. This short video is a must see for anyone interested in Truth: http://www.aish.com/movies/JP/PhotoFraud.asp


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