Thursday, July 06, 2006

"Just when I try to weasel out, they pull me back in..."

With apologies to "The Godfather" for the above, and with a hat-tip to M.C. Hammer for the below:

"Oh-oh oh-oh oh-oh... Here comes the hammer!"

Judge Sparks has apparently put the kibosh on "former Congressman" cum "current candidate" Tom DeLay's attempt to run from the political consequences of his, um, "questionable" dealings while in office.

Via Judge's ruling keeps DeLay on ballot

Although the article states that "Details of Sparks ruling were not immediately available," it does summarize the ruling that "...Republicans cannot replace former U.S. Rep. Tom DeLay on the ballot for the 22nd Congressional District race."
"Sparks ruling halts the process of replacing DeLay on the ballot, but the GOP is expected to appeal the decision to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals."

Having not read the justification for the decision yet, I have no idea how likely the GOP may be to prevail on appeal, but if the judge's decision stands, it sure throws a nice "wrench" into the "Hammer's" engine.
"If the Republicans lose on appeal, DeLay will have to decide whether to campaign for an office from which he already has resigned."

But who will staff the office?

"Oh, what a tangled web we weave..."


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