Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Master Thief or Oblivious Idiot

Poor, misunderstood Ken Lay.

Ken Lay failed, but failure isn't a crime, attorney says

As far as The Umpire is concerned, Ken Lay is either incredibly ingenious (well, until he got busted) or woefully inept. Either he is guilty of conspiracy, fraud, etc. or he is guilty of gross negligence.

Neither choice makes Kenny look very good.

But it still cracks me up every time I drive by the Ken Lay YMCA in Cinco Ranch. That's right, they actually changed the sign in front of the building to reduce the size of his name down to about 2" tall letters.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Clerk who Couldn't File

(*Cue the fat lady*)

Seems the "Glory" days in the Fort Bend County District Clerk's office are over... Glory Hopkins will not be on the ballot for FBC District Clerk.

Wrong ZIP zapped incumbent off ballot
"[Texas] Supreme Court's decision ends Fort Bend County district clerk's 19 years in office"

See also here... and some history here and here.

It bears repeating:

1. Her staffer used one of SEVERAL e-mails that FBC GOP Chairman Eric Thode sent out with the addresses to send campaign filings.

2. The one e-mail that was used was addressed specifically to PRECINCT CHAIRS and was the ONLY e-mail sent that had an incorrect zip code. (Funny, not one precinct chair missed the filing date.)

3. She met for lunch with Thode for the express purpose of giving him her filing papers and filing fee. She didn't bring them both with her.

4. She had her forms/fee mailed in late December (like she didn't know a month before that she was going to run again?) and then went on vacation without verifying they were received.

5. She oversees the filing of documents FOR A LIVING. If she can't tend to her own filings, maybe this just isn't the right position for her.

It's regrettable, and it's unfortunate, but the Texas Supremes made the right call.

The Umpire says: "Yer OUT!"

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

YCT Endorses Zerwas? Swing and a Miss!

Young Conservatives of Texas has issued its endorsements for the 2006 Primary.

Of note:

SD18 - Glenn Hegar
HD-28 - Dr. John Zerwas

I was a little perplexed because I thought Dr. John Zerwas leaned just a little to the left.

And yet YCT states that one of its main things is to: "[hold] interviews of all candidates in a primary and issuing an endorsement of the most conservative candidate." (emphasis mine)

After reading the good doctor's website (which is finally up), I can see why he may have them convinced he's the right guy.

But let's be honest... is there any GOP candidate in this primary that wouldn't agree with the generic palatitudes he puts forward as policy positions?

Come on, YCT. Are you sure he's "the most conservative candidate"? Did you check his political contributions? Swing and a miss, YCT.

Friday, January 20, 2006

And to think people get paid to come up with things like this...

John Zerwas is a candidate (1 of 7!) for Texas State House District 28… the district I live in.

He has now (finally!) put up a website.  It’s really just a web-placeholder, really, but an interesting comment was made about the logo:
Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who has placed Texas crookedly on their official logo? Doesn't that just leave the door open for all sorts of jokes and innuendo?
Such as the fact that the Texas in this logo leans to the left, instead of to the right?”

When I found out he was running, I did a little check on the Federal Election Commission website and made the following comment on another blog:

Zerwas is going to have to explain why he gave Ken Bentsen $500 in April 2000.

And why he gave $6000 to his American Society of Anesthesiologists PAC who has recently donated money to the likes of Harry Reid, Jeanne Shaheen, Max Baucus, David Bonior, Barbara Boxer, Carol Moseley Braun, etc.

I realize it might be politically expedient in one's profession to donate to their profession's PAC, but if I knew my money was going to the types of individuals named above, I would stop giving to that PAC.  

Either you are a Republican and you support Republican causes, or you do not. In a conservative district like HD28, we don't take too kindly to those who like to “ride the fence.”

How about it, Dr. Zerwas? The voters of HD28 will not let this one slide by without a response...”

A left-leaning logo, huh?  Hmm….

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Professing to be Wise, They Became Fools

Michelle Malkin has all the details on the miraculous progress Haleigh Poutre has made towards a recovery from her “virtually brain dead” “vegetative state” with “no hope of recovery”.

The nerve of that 11-year old girl!

Those perverse “right-to-die” advocates who now dance on the grave of the tragic and alarming case of Terri Schiavo have had a bit of a wrench thrown in the engine of their drive toward euthanasia for the elderly, infirm, and inconvenient.

“And a little child shall lead them…” indeed.  God be with you, Haleigh!

Money, Money, Money, Mo-NEY! MO-NEY!

Looks like Gov. Perry's got some 'splainin to do!


From the release (via Quorum Report):

"Yesterday, House Democratic Leader Jim Dunnam wrote and asked Governor Perry to immediately cancel the contract with Washington D.C. lobbyist Todd Boulanger (and his lobby firm Cassidy and Associates) that Governor Perry approved through the Texas Office of State Federal Relations (OSFR). Today, Representative Dunnam wrote Governor Perry and asked the Governor to immediately cancel the lobby contract with Drew Maloney and his K Street lobby firm, The Federalist Group. "Governor Perry should not continue to waste huge sums of taxpayer money to fund the unnecessary ... Mr. Maloney is the former chief of staff to former Majority Leader Tom DeLay and one of his closest confidants."

The Houston Chronicle's tale on it is here.

Simply stated, the problem with government (whether national, state, or local, these days) is that it spends too much money and it controls too much money.

Spending $180,000+ on something our state and federal legislators are already being paid to do (be an advocate for the interests of their consitituents) is not only wasteful, but - particularly in this instance - it just doesn't pass the smell test.

It stinks so much that even Craddick and Dewhurst (no strangers to the grease that drives the political engine) are distancing themselves from it as fast as they can.

(And the connection to DeLay makes the story even more noteworthy... does Congressman DeLay hire anybody that doesn't end up causing controversy???)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Time Wounds All Heels

Has it really been five years?!?

Bill Clinton can re-apply for his lawyer license
"5-year Arkansas suspension related to Lewinsky scandal ends Thursday"

[snip] "Clinton settled the Arkansas case three days before he was due to answer
42 questions posed by the committee [The Arkansas Supreme Court's Committee on
Professional Conduct]-- including several on whether he gave false or misleading
statements over his relationship with Lewinsky."

My guess is that he won't apply for reinstatement becuase he just might have to answer those 42 questions...

"Um, I really meant 'Neopolitan'"

Giving further legs to his ill-advised and racist comment about New Orleans rebirth as a "chocolate" city, Mayor Ray Nagin has now apologized for his comments. I guess he realized that the diversity of workers (not to mention the federal funds) necessary for the rebuilding of the city would not exactly be quickly forthcoming in the racially-charged atmosphere he has created.

But contained in the article was this little nugget from N.O. City Councilman Oliver Thomas:
"Even if you believe some of that crazy stuff, that is not the type of
image we need to present to the nation."
He didn't say to believe such a thing was inherently wrong, racist or utterly moronic, but just that you shouldn't say such things in public. Nice...

Unfortunately, there is a growing minority within the black community that not only believes Mayor Nagin's original comments, but is more than willing to say such things in public. And the resegregation of America continues...

Truth be told, I'm more of a Cherry Garcia fan. Make it a Cherry Garcia city, Mayor, and I'll come runnin' with a spoon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Play Ball!

I don't know how regular my posts will be, but The Umpire has come out on the field and it's time to call 'em like I see 'em. No instant replay -- no "coach's challenge". Just balls and strikes.

Batter up!