Monday, February 27, 2006

Tom in Trouble?

UPDATE: Seems it was all much ado about nothing... Congressman DeLay easily bested his challengers with 62% of the primary vote. He thanked his supporters at his local campaign headquar-- er, uh, -- He celebrated at a DC fundraiser thrown by lobbyists. Mr. Campbell should demand his money back from "One Net Info"...

We've got big trouble right here in CD22... with a capital T that stands for TOM!

Could there be a strange upset a-brewing in CD-22... home district of "The Hammer" himself?

Fort Bend Now is on the beat: Endorsements Go DeLay's Way, But Opponents Say The Polls Don't

Tom Campbell, one of Tom DeLay's primary opponents,

brushed aside the endorsements and instead emphasized a poll he had conducted by something called OneNet Info, showing him with 47.7% of the votes in the Republican primary, to 38.4% by DeLay and 13.9% to “other.”

But, as the article points out:

But the poll has a margin of error of 9% (it looks like they reached fewer than 200 Republican voters), which is pretty far out there. Thus, if 9% swung one way, DeLay could have 47.4% of the vote to 38.7% for Campbell, if you believe the numbers.

Even if the polling is 100% off, an under-50 number for DeLay's reelection in a primary can't be good news for the incumbent. And if DeLay's camp had better numbers, you better believe that they would be plastering the walls with them.

But the aren't...

Because I don't think they do...

And the DeLay camp is in crisis mode.

It's the bottom of the ninth for Congressman DeLay. The only problem is that this is a double-header with the sequel in November.

Batter up!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Can't We all Just Get Along? ...Apparently Not.

Some people just can't help themselves... the rage and hate within them can't help but bubble up to the surface and spew out of their mouth.

Via World Net Daily: NAACP chairman compares GOP to Nazis

A little snippet:

"The Republican Party would have the American flag and the swastika flying side by side," he charged."

At least one family had the courage to walk out of the vitriolic hate-fest...

"He went on and on name calling," said Lee Wilson. "I walked out in the middle of his speech with my wife and three kids"

Gee, and they wonder why President Bush doesn't show up to their annual convention...