Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"Pride cometh before destruction...

...and a haughy spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

It seems like just a few months ago that Majority Leader Tom DeLay was on top of the world. Sure, that pesky Travis County DA was nipping at his heels, but it was all just partisan politics and it didn't keep "The Hammer" from making the backroom deals, twisting the arms, and doing whatever it took to advance his agenda.

Then, he stepped down from the Majority Leader position and was just 1 member of the House among 434 others. Soon, he'll be just plain 'ol Tom DeLay from Virginia. Granted, he'll have more money than he'll know what to do with, but at least now he'll be paying his own way for the lavish trips and fancy gourmet dinners.

The immediately-famous Time interview is here.

In that article, I found this interesting question that the interviewer posed to DeLay:
"My mother used to say: You're known by the company you keep. Another way of saying that is: If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas. Is that part of your problem?"

Just a few days ago, in my post titled, "The Hammer has Fleas", I wrote this:
"There's a saying that if you lie down with dogs, you'll get up with fleas. There's also a saying that you will be known by the company you keep."

Should I sue for plagiarism? :) Nah... I'll just chalk it up to a little prescient prognostication. (And you can look that up in your Funk & Wagnall's!)

Some excellent views from the local blogosphere can be found at Texas Safety Forum and DeLay vs. World.

(psst.... "The World" won!)


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